The January issue of MHM, the British military history magazine, is now on sale.
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In this issue:
The Long World War
In our cover feature, Neil Faulkner argues that the First World War never really ended, and that the seeds of Nazism and the Second World War were sown in the 1918 armistice.
Churchill at the Admiralty: brilliant or blundering?
Was Churchill a brilliant moderniser as First Lord at the Admiralty? Or was he an incompetent and unwelcome meddler? In our special this issue, two distinguished naval historians debate Churchill’s legacy. In our first feature, Brian Lavery contends that Churchill’s naval reforms created a force fit for the 20th century. In our second, Nick Hewitt casts a critical eye over what he argues were a series of blunders.
Battle for Supremacy: Richard the Lionheart and the Third Crusade
In his long-running conflict with Saladin, Richard I won the battles but not the war. Wayne Bartlett reports.
Fortress Scotland: Artillery fortification in the Northern Kingdom
David Flintham analyses the response of Scottish military engineers to the Gunpowder Age.
Sideshow: Tom ‘Ginger’ Neil
Peter Jacobs looks back on the remarkable life of the late Tom Neil, one of the ‘Few’ who fought in the Battle of Britain.
Also in this issue:
War on Film; Royal Deaths at War; War Culture, Behind the Image, Book Reviews; Museum Review; Event Listings; Competitions; and much more.
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From the editor

This month, Military History Monthly celebrates its 100th issue. We mark this milestone in our publishing history at the same time as commemorations marking the centenary of the end of the First World War take place around the world.
It seems that assessment of such momentous events matters to people now more than ever. With that in mind, Military History Monthly will change its name to Military History Matters as of issue 101, following our successful launch in the US under the same name.
Talking of milestones, attention is likely to refocus on the Second World War now that we have reached the end of the centenary of the First – not least because the two conflicts were linked by a thousand threads.
The Armistice of November 1918 proved temporary. The Versailles ‘Peace’ merely set the stage for the next war. When it came, certainly during the first two years, Anglo-German rivalry was dominant.
Only later did the Second World War expand from essentially a European civil war into a truly global war, increasingly shaped by two new superpowers: the United States and the Soviet Union.
Three articles this issue bear on this ‘long world war’ from 1914 to 1945 – my own overview piece on the interwar period, and two pieces on Churchill’s relationship with the Royal Navy, one by Brian Lavery, the other by Nick Hewitt.
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