We asked you to think of something appropriately witty for this image taken from our article on the Anglo-Arab Wars, from the December 2021/January 2022 issue of Military History Matters. Here are the winners:
‘The captain was hoping for a repeat of Waterloo but the crew insisted upon Boom-Bang-A-Bang.’ — Roger Pennyballs
‘Smoking is bad for your health.’ — Les Quilter

The British usually won at playing Rock, Paper, Cannon …
I say, the enemy is being damned unsporting … they’ve added an extra inch to their daggers
” If this is just military maneuvers, what’s the real thing like?”
Smoking is bad for your health.
The gunpowder was supposed to go in the cannon not on the barbecue.
Cigareets an’ whuskey an’ wild wild, women,
They’ll drive you crazy they’ll drive you insane – tra la la!
Oh no, not the old potato-in-the-exhaust-pipe prank …
The Captain was hoping for a repeat of Waterloo but the crew insisted upon Boom-Bang-A-Bang.
Gunner Solksjaer had left his men open to attack and he was soon in the firing line.
We’ll be in big trouble with global warming!
I told you not to let Alec Baldwin load the cannon