The August issue of Military History Matters, the British military history magazine, is now on sale.
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In this issue:

Special: Arnhem, 1944
It was Europe’s largest ever airborne assault, but, after just nine days, it had spectacularly failed. Losses were heavy on both sides, but most surprising was the ability of the Germany Army to put up such a strong defence so late in the Second World War. In his first feature, Andrew Mulholland narrates the progress of events; in his second, he assesses the arguments about why the Allies were ultimately defeated.
‘Vile Guns’: medieval artillery in the Hundred Years War
Fred Chiaventone analyses the role of artillery at the Battles of Formigny and Castillon.
The last invasion of Canada, 1775
Mike Laramie recaps a bold thrust into British Canada by the fledgling United States.
Scapa Flow: conflict archaeology
To mark the centenary of the scuttling of the German High Seas Fleet in 1919, Rod Macdonald explores the shipwrecks that still lie beneath the surface.
Regiment: the 1st Bombay Grenadiers at Maiwand, 1880
Patrick Mercer recalls a devastating action of the Anglo-Afghan Wars.
Also in this issue:
War on Film; Royal Deaths at War; War Culture, Behind the Image, Book Reviews; Museum Review; Event Listings; Competitions; and much more.
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From the editor

We are surfing a succession of Second World War 75th anniversaries this year. One big question stands out: how come the Third Reich continued fighting so hard?
After Stalingrad and Tunis, it was pretty clear Germany had lost the war. Blitzkrieg had given way to attrition, and against the combined industry and manpower of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the British Empire, the Nazi cause was doomed.
What kept the Germans fighting, despite the lengthening odds? How are we to explain the battlefield resilience of the Wehrmacht in the last two years of the war, when outnumbered three or four to one?
Arnhem, the focus of our special this time, is one of many clashes that throws light on these questions, for the outcome was as much about the German response as the Allied plan. Andrew Mulholland recaps the events and reviews the debate in the light of a slew of new books.
Also this issue, we have Fred Chiaventone on medieval artillery (with a reminder that it was the French who won the Hundred Years War!), Mike Laramie on the 1775 US invasion of Canada, Patrick Mercer on the 1st Bombay Grenadiers at Maiwand in 1880, and wreck-diver Rod Macdonald on the scuttle of the German High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919.
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