We asked you to come up with something appropriately witty for this image from our article on Robert the Bruce in the June/July 2024 issue of Military History Matters. Here are the winners:
‘… and over there I want a herb garden.’ – Cristina McDowall
‘ Is your intention to skirt the enemy?’ – Michael Smith
‘… and DO NOT forget to bring me back a pint!’ – Daniel Biron

Feeling lucky? Then enter our latest competition! We’re giving away three copies of NATO: from Cold War to Ukraine by Sten Rynning, courtesy Yale University Press. Enter here.
Got starch mixed up with my underarm deodorant!
The devils! They’re hiding behind that huge patch of tall nettles.
Due to the cold weather today my spear’s a bit smaller than normal.
We’ve lost ten thousand troops so far but don’t let that drain the colour from your faces.
Peter Jackson directs one of the crowd sequences in The Hobbit
I’m sure this would look a lot more intimidating if we put wheels on this stuffed horse
Right lads, you know what to do. Bring me the head of the writer of Braveheart!
I’m telling you guys for the last time. Make a left down the street at the diner, than a sharp right for two more blocks. That’s where the battle will be.
“That’s the enemy.” “Charge them and I’ll catch up.”
“There’s more than two of them,”
“Maybe we should think this over.”
“You’re all wearing skirts.” “Do think they will take us seriously?”
Is your intention to skirt the enemy?
…and over there I want a herb garden
‘You lot will lead the charge on foot, but don’t worry, you won’t be standing for long!’
Remember keep out the blue and red you don`t get anything for two in a dead.
It’s always a bit embarrassing when you turn up to a do in the same skirt as somebody else.
Take those cakes knives to the WI tent over there
The loo is over there,
…and DO NOT forget to bring me back a pint!
The lassie’s toilets are over there
This way to the ballot box men, remember, you have to vote yes for independence.