We asked you to think of something appropriately witty for this image taken from our article on the Franco-Prussian War, from the December 2020/January 2021 issue of Military History Matters. Here are the winners:
‘First person to blink cleans the windows.’ — Antony Ward
‘Yeah, you and whose army?’ — Rob Falconer
‘The Great Franco-Prussian Bake-off begins to turn nasty’ — Valérie

Yeah, you and whose army?
“Kind hearts and coronets”
(((((((Now, with a 100% renewed casting)))))))
The Great Franco-Prussian Bake-off begins to turn nasty
Who would like a pickled onion?
We have ways of making you caption.
What do you mean the sale on white dress coats ended yesterday?
Gentlemen, I have just heard that the Queen is still in the pub, and so may be a little late for her Coronation
Dress down Friday. Never.
Gentlemen, according to the uniform code of military justice, pogonophobia is not grounds for a court-martial.
Before the invention of fly spray, the flysabre enjoyed some brief, but ineffective, popularly.
We’re all standing because we’re afraid we might sit on a Pickelhalbe….
When two faces collide
Open your mouths and let the toothpick wars begin.
First person to blink cleans the windows.
So, to give the British public Coronavirus vaccinations and stay safe, the needles have to be two metres long?
We’re here to fight the Irish. Which one of you is Frank O’Prussian?