We asked you to come with something appropriately witty for this image of Paul Revere from our article on his legendary ‘Midnight Ride’ in the August/September 2023 issue of Military History Matters. Here are the winners:
‘The British are coming? What would they prefer, Afternoon or Breakfast Tea blend?’ – Dave Parkin
‘Better shine up our best silverware. We have visitors arriving for a tea party’ – Janet Ernst
‘There once was a man named Revere
Whose habits were rather severe,
His commands, of course
Were addressed to his horse
“Whoa, stop! I will drink one more beer!”‘ – Les Quilter
“The British are coming?What would they prefer, Afternoon or Breakfast Tea blend?”
I can’t sleep. Do you fancy a ride?
I wish I’d a pot of gold but as every athlete knows, silver is second best!
“Some day I may be famous”. “They might even name a Rock Group after me”.
‘EPNS ? I’ve not seen this silver mark before’
‘I’m waiting for Fiona, to get the show on the road.’
“I only have three wishes?! Let me have a think about that…”
I wonder if steam can remove creases from this ridiculous shirt.
“Better shine up our best silverware. We have visitors arriving for a tea party”
I hear that a tea party will be held in Boston.
The trophy engraver sat patiently as he waited to see who was going to win the conker final.
Nothing is certain except death and taxes and a nice pot of tea
And you think this thing called ‘tea’ is going to be popular….next you’ll be telling me chimps will be dressing up in clothes to advertise it.
A horse, a horse, my teapot for a horse
Silver? Hey, that would be a great name for a horse!
I hate looking at this pot. My chin looks massive.
Old fashioned teapot. What am I bid?
This old fashioned tea pot. What am I bid?
Mmm. Do you think I look like Harry Styles?
If I rub it will a genie emerge with a potbelly?
If I rub it, will a genie emerge with a potbelly?
Are you sure this is a chamber pot.
Hmm midnight shadow. A close shave coming on methinks.
Me thinks, we should attack at tea time..the English will be too busy drinking tea
To tea or not to tea is the question
“Does anyone want to swap this teapot for some Dairylea Dunkers…?”
“Does anyone fancy swapping this teapot for some Dairylea Dunkers…?”
The exact moment superglue was invented.
Always include interesting props in a dating profile picture. Nothing says “Date Me” like a man with a shiny teapot.
There once was a man named Revere
Whose habits were rather severe,
His commands, of course
Were addressed to his horse
“Whoa, stop! I will drink one more beer!’
“Handles are for losers!” Revere famously remarked as he received third degree burns on his hand.
Hmm how can a genie that big fit in a pot this small?