MHM 46 – July 2014

D-Day - History’s most complex operation
Perfidious Albion - Britain goes to war, 1914
Irish Brigades Abroad - Wild Geese to Napoleon
The Battle that…


MHM 45 – June 2014

Bannockburn: Scotland’s crucial victory
Revanchist Republic: France prepares for war
Siege-Master: Vauban and France’s ‘Fatal Avenue’
Cracking Cassino: The Anzio Beachhead…

MHM 42 – March 2014

The March issue of Military History Monthly, the British military history magazine, is on sale today. In the latest issue we cover: Cracking Cassino:…

MHM 41 – February 2014

The February issue of Military History Monthly, the British military history magazine, is on sale today. In the latest issue we cover: Assassination – Sarajevo,…

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